Indians 101: Suppressing Indian religions in Montana in the nineteenth century
The policies of the United States government regarding American Indians were founded on the belief that, as a Christian nation, the United States has the right to govern the sovereign non-Christian...
View ArticleIndians 101: Suppressing Indian religions in Montana, 1900-1934
According to the non-Indian social philosophers, bureaucrats, Christian ministers, and politicians of the nineteenth century, Indians were supposed to disappear, both culturally and physically, by the...
View ArticleIndians 201: Handsome Lake, Seneca prophet
One example of a revealed religion which was originally transmitted in oral form and later written down is the Code of Handsome Lake. Beginning in 1799, the Seneca prophet Handsome Lake had a series of...
View ArticleIndians 201: Peyote and the Native American Church
According to some Native American traditions, at the time of creation each one of the plant people was given two gifts: the power of beauty and the power of healing. In the traditional way, there is no...
View ArticleReligion 101: Beliefs and creeds
For many people religion is about belief. The formalization of religious belief is creed: creeds are those beliefs which are considered most important, and often mandatory in some religious traditions....
View ArticleReligion 102: Some pre-Christian Irish deities
Humans first began to settle in Ireland about 10,000 years ago. These Mesolithic hunters and gatherers brought with them animistic religious beliefs and practices. With the transition to a lifestyle...
View ArticlePagans and Heathens
Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. Since many of...
View ArticleReligion 102: Some Norse (Viking) gods
In Europe, the Viking Age is generally described as beginning in 793 CE when Norse raiders attacked and looted the Christian monastery at Lindisfarne in Britain. The Norse raiders, commonly known as...
View ArticleIndians 101: Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) medicine societies
Long before the European invasion of North America, five Iroquois-speaking Indian nations had formed a confederacy or league. These five nations included: Seneca (the big hill people, or the people of...
View ArticleIndians 101: English religion and American Indians in the 17th century
During the seventeenth century four European countries—France, England, Netherlands, and Spain–established permanent colonies in the Americas. Their justification in ruling Native American nations and...
View ArticleMystical Experiences
Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. Have you ever...
View ArticleIndians 101: Outlawing the potlatch in Canada
The First Nations occupying the Pacific Coast area of British Columbia are characterized by their complex social organization which included social stratification. Social stratification, a form of...
View ArticleIndians 101: Tlingit clan hats (museum tour)
The Tlingit are an Alaska Native people whose aboriginal homelands stretched along the Pacific coast for more than 400 miles. The Tlingit were 18 distinct and autonomous groups. Each group felt that it...
View ArticleSangha for July 25 -- The Earth Teaches Us
Each of us has our own path; we come here by way of many different traditions, and of no particular tradition. While the language we use may differ depending on the traditions, teachers, practices, and...
View ArticleIndians 101: A very short overview of the Northwest Coast potlatch
The Northwest Coast culture area stretches along the Pacific coast between the Cascade Mountains and the ocean. It extends north of California to Alaska. This is an area which is the home to many...
View ArticleCeremonial darkness
Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. In some...
View ArticleInvocation: Water. The First of a Planned Series.
Shown above is the first of what I want to make as a series which celebrates the Elements, each in turn. Others will feature my interpretations of Air, Earth, Fire, and Spirit. I'm not sure yet which...
View ArticleIndians 101: Huron concepts of death
The Huron were a confederacy of four major tribes: Bear, Rock, Barking Dogs, and White Thorns (also known as Canoes). At the time of the European invasion of North America, they lived in the Lake...
View ArticleHallucinogenic substances in New Grange
Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. Let’s start...
View ArticleSatanists Take Legal Action Against Texas Abortion Ban, Citing Religious...
Good morning everyone. Here is the latest episode of: You can’t make this up! The Satanic Temple, a religious organization, is taking legal action in the State of Texas to protect its members’ right to...
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