Indians 101: A very short overview of Inuit religions
The Inuit, also known as Eskimo, are native peoples of the Arctic Culture Area, a region which includes the Aleutian Islands, most of the Alaska Coast, the Canadian Artic, and parts of Greenland. It is...
View ArticleIndians 101: Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) medicine societies
Long before the European invasion of North America, five Iroquois-speaking Indian nations had formed a confederacy or league. These five nations included: Seneca (the big hill people, or the people of...
View ArticleFor Those Who Celebrate It, Blessed Samhain! Everyone Else, Happy Halloween!
If you were at my house I'd offer you some refreshment.In honor of the day I'm breaking out the good stuff.And of course dish you up some dinner.I made vegetable beef with red potatoes and mushrooms...
View ArticleIndians 101: Shamans in the Arctic Culture Area
The Arctic Culture Area includes the Aleutian Islands, most of the Alaska Coast, the Canadian Arctic, and parts of Greenland. It is an area which can be described as a “cold”desert. The native people...
View ArticleReligion 101: Pilgrimages in Ancient Greek Religions
Ancient Greece was not a single country, nor did it have a single cultural tradition nor a single language. The ancient Greeks were a divided people with many religious traditions. In general, the...
View ArticleIndians 101: Some Iroquois healing ceremonies
It is common in both today’s world and in the ancient past to view some illnesses as having a spiritual or religious cause for which people have sought and continue to seek religious remedies....
View ArticleIndians 101: Ceremonies in the Arctic Culture Area
Religion manifests itself in many ways: belief, storytelling (mythology), mystical experiences, and ceremonies. In many religious traditions, the emphasis is not on belief, but rather it is on...
View ArticleThe decline and fall of religion in America - 3 of 10 Americans now identify...
According to a new Pew Research poll, the number of Americans identifying as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular - the so-called ‘nones’ - is now 29%, up significantly in the last two decades....
View ArticleWreaths Across America gets a FAILING GRADE on its finances from Charity...
Well, “National Wreaths Across America Day” has come and gone for this year. On Saturday, December 18, the so-called non-profit Wreaths Across America and its thousands of volunteer cemetery wreath...
View ArticleOccult and Psychical Sciences: Yule 🔥
🌲 🌲 Also called Yuletide, Yulefest Observed by Various Northern Europeans, Germanic peoples, Neopagans, Spiritual Satanists Type Cultural, Germanic Pagan then Christian, secular, contemporary Pagan...
View ArticleIndians 101: American Indian religions 100 years ago, 1922
Since the founding of the United States, there has been an assumption that American Indians should abandon their religions and become Christians. Federal laws regarding Indians are based on the...
View ArticleIndigenous advocates in Florida say oil drilling in Big Cypress will destroy...
This story was originally published at Prism.On an early April morning last year, Betty Osceola, a member of the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians, led a group of 50 people through the marshy swamp of South...
View ArticleIndians 101: American Indian religions 150 years ago, 1872
The policies of the United States government regarding Indian nations are based on the Discovery Doctrine which states that Christian nations have a right to rule over non-Christian nations. During the...
View ArticleMorrigan.
In mid-March I had the desire to paint again. The goat skull we'd recently found is still soaking in hydrogen peroxide out in the carport. And it may be a while before it's clean enough to paint on. So...
View ArticleIndians 101: Iroquois ceremonies regarding death
In all cultures there are rites of passages which mark changes in status. These rites of passage include coming of age ceremonies to mark the transition from youth to adulthood, marriage ceremonies to...
View ArticleBadb, Goddess of Death and Regeneration.
Badb is the third sister goddess of the tripartite goddess known as The Morrigan. Like her sisters, Badb is a goddess of war and of the dead. Of the three, it is Badb who most often presents as an old...
View ArticleProtecting women's bodily autonomy; protecting us all from a theocracy
To all who belong to a liberal faith community or are Wican, atheist, agnostic, satanists or just angry and upset about the US becoming a theocracy . .I encourage each of you to likewise work with...
View ArticleBrazilian Art Witch Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos show at Witchcraft Museum with...
"I consider Darcílio Lima an ancestor, someone who came before me and to whose lineage I belong. In a way, my work is a continuation of his.. I found in Darcílio Lima the master I never had." - Luciana...
View ArticleMagic
Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. Let’s start...
View ArticleIndians 101: Traditional Shawnee religion
The Shawnee, whose name means “Southerner”, arethe southern-most Algonquian language people and share many cultural patterns with other Algonquian-speaking groups. As with Indian cultures throughout...
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